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Wartung Teaser

The annual functional inspection of extraction systems is mandatory. Our service technicians will be pleased to assist you with the inspection and maintenance of your extraction systems, thus ensuring high plant availability and a smooth production process.

Ersatzteile Teaser

We provide the appropriate spare parts in the quality specific to your process. Whether purchased from Keller or not - we optimally supply all types of extraction systems with the necessary spare parts, such as filters, filter elements and much more.

Messtechnik Teaser

For the record to assure compliance with legal and employers' emission limit values, we perform various workplace measurements suitable for your requirements.

Rohrleitung Teaser

Extraction systems as well as the connected ductwork can be heavily clogged and polluted in the long run. We provide professional cleaning of the ductwork in order to keep the extraction efficiency constant and to avoid safety risks as well as a fire hazard.

Kundenseminare Teaser

During Keller's customer training courses, you will learn all about maintenance and the proper handling of extraction systems. You will get to know what ensures the permanent and proper functioning of your systems.

Auswuchttechnik Teaser

The deposit of particles and impurities reduces the service life of the fans. This causes downtimes and subsequently high expenses. With Keller's balancing technology, the service life can be extended and subsequent damage avoided.


Condition monitoring of extraction systems prevents unscheduled system downtime and significantly reduces maintenance costs. Sensors record important operating parameters that are permanently monitored via a web-based data platform.

Laboruntersuchung Teaser

Our service supports in complying with all the requirements of the 42nd BImSchV, the Ordinance on the Prevention of legionella. We will be pleased to advise you on the hygienic and safe operation of your wet scrubbers.

Fremdanlagen Teaser eng

Whether bought at Keller Lufttechnik or not - we ensure that all extraction systems are optimally maintained within your premises. We already service a large number of extraction systems from various manufacturers and, if necessary, also supply the appropriate replacement filters for them.